1- Follow the completion rate in the course

The courses consist of pre-recorded lessons, and after registering for any course, you can access all lessons through your account on the platform. To issue the certificate, you must complete all lessons with a completion rate of up to 100%, after which the certificate will be issued automatically.

Within the registered courses, you will find a list of registered courses, and you will be able to accurately follow your completion rate. The percentage starts from 0% when registering for the course and reaches 100% when completing all lessons.

Where do I find my certificate after issuing it?

Enter the platform Coursat-online.com
Log in to the platform using your mobile phone number and password
Go to My Account
Choose from the list the registered courses
Then click on the download icon after completing the recorded videos for the course

2- Trainer's Guide
To log in to your account on the platform

Log in to the platform using your email and password
Go to My Account
In the My Account box, you will find the box for the registered courses
You can also view your registered courses through it.

To access the settings

When you click on your personal account icon, you will find the "Settings" option on the right side.
The settings link is included with all the data within the account for easy access and modification.